LED vs Incandescent Light BulbsLED vs Incandescent Light Bulbs

The energy bill tends to be a dreaded thought that gets worse and worse as the end of the month rolls by. Finally, when that bill shows up in the mail it’s ready to blow open a gigantic whole in your wallet. However, this is something that many commercial businesses are able to do rein in this horse wild energy bill: retrofit their lighting systems from incandescent light bulbs to LED. LED vs incandescent light bulbs is a no brainer; with LED you will be able to harness the power of energy efficiency to drive more money back into your business rather than into the wallet of the energy companies.

Energy Efficiency 

Incandescent light bulbs produce light through heat. These bulbs are often noticed as being “warmer” and closer to red on the light spectrum. This is so because most of the energy produced by these bulbs is let off as heat energy. This is why when we put our hands close or on an incandescent bulb we feel heat, or even burn ourselves if too close. This mass production of heat from the bulb has the effect of lighting the near area as well. However, LED bulbs are not produced with the goal in mind. LED works through the process of electroluminescence. Basically, whenever a regular bulb converts energy, the excess is produced as heat. With LED however, the excess is produced as a particle known as a photon, which is a light particle. To put it simply, LEDs are a lot more efficient at producing light, while incandescents are better at producing heat. This heat produced from an incandescent system works to heat your workplace as well, causing the cooling bill to rise as well. So you’ll have to pay more to actually light your workplace, and you have to cool it more as well, what a terrible deal! LED lights work to solve this problem at the core.

Light Bulb Lifespan

On top of being more energy efficient, LED bulbs also boast a longer lifespan than their incandescent counterparts. This is a simple point; LED bulbs on average last six times longer than other light bulb types. Let’s say you have a business that requires lighting in inconvenient, hard to reach places. Less replacements means less service calls which translates into direct savings for your firm. 

This also has the added benefit of making your firm more environmentally conscious as well. LED lights end up in landfills less due to their lifespan; they are also more energy efficient in general which means less resources are used! Less resource usage is always a boon for environmental health. 

The argument of LED vs incandescent light bulbs is quickly becoming one that is unwinnable for incandescent. LED lights outclass them in nearly all categories: They are more energy efficient, better for our planet and our environment, they have cost savings that don’t even relate to lighting costs (cooling costs, service calls, etc). There is a reason that many huge firms and companies are finding success after retrofitting their lighting systems to LED. Feel free to contact us today to learn more about how we can leverage these amazing benefits for your business today!