LED Lighting for Schools

LED Lighting For Schools

Educational facilities need to be on the forefront of technology in order to offer the best to their students. Most educational facilities will wait until there is applicable evidence for savings and improvements for their students lives before making changes in their facility. LED lighting is a no-brainer when it comes to creating a better educational environment. Here are some of the top reasons why LED lighting for schools is taking off!

Lowering Costs Over Time

Upgrading the LED fixtures can require a bit of extra money in the budget for school but over the long term, they can offer extensive cost savings. LED lighting is one of the most energy-efficient lighting options on the market today and there is a long bulb life that goes from 8-25 times longer than the average incandescent or halogen bulb. LEDs only require 20 to 25% of the energy that a traditional incandescent bulb takes to power on and this can lead to a massive return on investment for anyone that decides to place them in their facility. 

An Improved Learning Environment

Adding LED lighting to a classroom can also work at generating a better environment for students. In a study published in 2016, different lighting conditions were examined using LED ceiling lighting. Researchers found that the 6500 K lighting conditions under LEDs offered the best level of physiological alertness whereas a 3500 K condition was the best for relaxation. The study went on to prove that the majority of students were able to score better on academic tests over a 6500k condition because they were experiencing higher levels of alertness and focus!

Reducing Maintenance Costs

LEDs use a semiconductor to convert the electricity entering the bulb into light. This process can be roughly 7 times more energy-efficient than any type of incandescent fixture. There’s also an overall reduction in replacement costs because these bulbs last much longer. Very little needs to be done in order to keep these fixtures up and running and this translates into direct savings for your school! 

Potential for LEED Certification in Your Facility

The leadership in energy and environmental design has outlined a standard for an international green building. Buildings that meet LEED certifications are considered the gold standard when it comes to environmentally friendly building design.. Having access to this validation for your educational environment can showcase your savings for water, energy and more. 

Ongoing Utility Rebates

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program will provide ongoing rebates for facilities that purchase LED lighting. Depending on where your school is located, you could qualify to receive energy rebates from the Energy Star program under the federal government. You may also be able to seek out further rebates from your local state or municipal government from local utility providers or programs available nearby. Having access to these rebates can ensure that you can reduce the overall cost of replacement or reduce the overall taxes for your facility. 

If you would like to learn more about LED lighting installations for your building, contact us today! LED lighting for schools is quickly becoming the norm across the country; help boost your students alertness and productivity today!