Schools / Universities

10 years ago, making schools “energy efficient” meant turning off unnecessary lights and carefully recycling trash. With the current economic situation, Schools and Universities need all the money they can raise to provide higher education and compete with the global market. Reducing energy demand will free up much needed funds for other pressing and important requirements such as upgrading teaching infrastructure.

Pasadena College reported annual energy savings of $720,000, reducing more than 55% of electrical consumption. 40 schools in Austin, Texas are saving $12,000 each annually. 11 schools in Twin Falls school district revamped their energy systems and achieved more than 3.5 million in annual saving, that’s over $300,000 per school. The US Green Building Council estimates that the average school would save $100,000 annually. Putting it into educational terms, that is employing two new teachers, 200 state of the art computers or 5,000 new textbooks.